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Festival Camping Guide & Tips

Festival Camping Guide & Tips

08.05.2024 | Camping Hints & Tips

The Mountain Warehouse festival survival guide has all the tips and tricks you need to help you make the most out of your summer festival experience. From the festival camping essentials, to advice on pitching your tent, we have all the knowledge you need to have a great festival.


1. Buy a Larger Tent Than you Think You’ll Need

If there are two of you don’t choose a two man tent. A two man tent is perfect for one person but once you are both inside there will be little room for you to both lie down. Always choose a tent that is one person bigger than the number of people using it.

2. Have a Practice Pitch of Your Tent

If you’ve never pitched a tent or have bought a new tent you haven’t pitched before, it’s a good idea to try pitching and packing up the tent before you go. Alternatively, take a pop up tent that requires very little  work to put up.


3. Check the Rules

Check the campsite rules before you go. Many festivals will have a list of items you’re not allowed to bring onto the site, so check beforehand to ensure everything in your festival survival kit is allowed.


4. Take a Sleeping Mat to Stay Comfortable

If you plan on getting any sleep, a sleeping mat should be part of your festival survival kit. Camping mats are lightweight, easy to carry and will greatly improve your comfort. Sleeping on the ground will guarantee a cold and uncomfortable night sleep. A self inflating mat is still relatively lightweight but will add extra comfort over a standard camping mat. If you are still craving home comforts, an air bed may be for you.

5. Arrive at the Campsite Early

Arriving at the campsite early will ensure you can get a good spot to pitch your tent. If you arrive late not only will you have to park further away, it’s also likely you’ll need to squeeze your tent into any remaining space.


6. Think Carefully When Pitching Your Tent

Proximity to the toilets is key for festival survival. You don’t want to be too far from the toilets, but pitching your tent too close will ensure you’re forced to put up with unpleasant smells for the rest of the weekend. Try and avoid pitching too close to the footpaths as these will be used all night and may be noisy.


7. Clear The Ground Before Pitching Your Tent

Once you have picked your spot, make sure you clear the area of sharp objects and stones. Not only will these damage your tent they will be uncomfortable to sleep on.


8. Think About Space

When pitching your tent think about where other people would be able to squeeze their tent, as people will pitch their tent anywhere as space becomes scarce. Pitch your tents close enough together to avoid anyone else placing a tent in between, whilst remembering to leave space for the guy lines. If there are 3 or 4 tents in your group form a circle, with the doors facing inwards.


9. Keep Valuables Safe

Keep all valuables such as phones, ID and money on you at all times. A money belt or bum bag is a great way to keep all your valuables safe and close to hand.

10. Bring Food With You

Food at campsites can be expensive, so save yourself some money and pack some non perishable food and drinks. If you take a camping stove, you’ll be able to start your day off with a cooked breakfast.


11. Don’t Jump in Your Tent When Wet

Although it might be tempting to jump straight in your tent when it’s raining, you will regret it later when your tent and belongings are soaking wet. Make room in your tent for you to get in and take off your wet clothing. Travel or Microfiber towels are lightweight and fast drying, making them perfect for drying off after a wet day at a festival.


12. Take Repair Equipment

An essential piece of your festival survival kit. Taking a roll of duct tape, spare guy ropes and pegs will allow you to make quick repairs to your tent should anything go wrong.

Reflective Guy Rope


Shop Tent Repair & Accessories


13. Remember Your Wellies!

Last but not least, remember to take a pair of wellies as the campsite will get very muddy if it starts to rain.

Shop Wellies


From festival tents, to sleeping bags, camping mats, rucksacks & more. Whatever festival you’re heading to, we have everything you need.