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Inside The Outdoors

How to Waterproof a Tent

17.06.2014 | Camping How to Guides

If you find that water is not forming droplets on your tent and is leaking through the fabric or you have used your tent for many seasons it may be time to reproof.  Follow our top tips for how to waterproof your tent for the best results.

  • When it comes to reproofing your tent you will need to keep an eye on the weather forecast as it really needs to be done outside and the tent may have to stay up for a while to fully dry.
  • If possible just pitch the outer of the tent on its own as this is the only part which will need reproofed. Whilst doing this, check all seams and poles for any damages and repair where necessary. If any seams are damaged use a seam sealer.
  • Only reproof the tent once it is completely clean. At this point make sure you wear gloves as it can be unpleasant trying to get water proofer off your hands. You can apply the proofer by spray, brush or cloth. Give a generous coating wiping off any excess with a cloth.
  • You may wish to give your tent more than one coating especially if you know you are going to an area with heavy rain expected or if your tent has started to leak previously. Complete one side at a time.